This is the official home of the web series Bags and Boards. For those unfamiliar, Bags and Boards is a web series created by Wesley Caldwell, Austin Caldwell, Jay Long and Dale Griffin. It follows the lives of a group of comic book store workers as they struggle with the daily grind, strange and unruly customers, love and hard economic times.
So far, three episodes of the show have been filmed. Episode IV is currently in production.
Be sure to check back here for Bags and Boards news, updates, and online episodes.
This is a blog where I will write about myself, my current filmmaking ventures and other things that interest me. I am about to move away from home to go to film school in Savannah, Georgia so this is a way for me to keep all of my friends in the loop of my life.
This was the first time I'd seen this one, really enjoyed it.