Monday, July 13, 2009

Bags and Boards Episode III: "A New Hope"

Hey everyone. After the long wait, Bags and Boards Episode III: "A New Hope" is now in the can. Watch it in full HD above.

Bags and Boards is a web series created by Wesley Caldwell, Austin Caldwell, Jay Long and Dale Griffin that follows comic book store workers as they struggle with the daily grind, antagonistic customers, love and hard economic times. Despite all of this, they maintain a positive outlook on life, have fun and celebrate the wonderful lifestyle of the comic book world.

In this third episode entitled "A New Hope," the comic store has a movie night while Steven tries to build a relationship with Betty and Bruce deals with friend problems.

Bags and Boards is a non-profit web series made for fun and to celebrate the world of comics. No money has been made by the creation of this show.

1 comment:

  1. loved this episode guys!

    can't wait for episode IV :)
